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  • When it comes to content & digital communications, it's important to always ask yourself: "Why?"

When it comes to content & digital communications, it's important to always ask yourself: "Why?"

Execution is vital. Experimentation is to be encouraged. As we know, it’s the winners who take action. BUT ...

This edition of the newsletter is brought to you by POCKET PR ESSENTIALS, my audio-only micro-coaching series for ambitious business owners and entrepreneurial professionals:💡Bite-sized tips, ideas and insights on how to get focused and creative in your PR, content and digital communications efforts - listen on-the-go via your podcast app! For the cost of a large oat milk latte! 👊


You’re an ambitious owner of a growing service-based business. Maybe you’re a solopreneur wanting to carve out an expert niche for your professional personal brand.

Regardless, your success is likely to hinge on how many people know who you are and what you’re all about, that they respect and trust you as a person (and service provider) … and critically, whether you’re front of mind with your intended audience, and talked about in a positive way in the marketplace.

These are all forerunners to commercial success.

Which means, we need to set aside some time - and put in the effort - to strategically raise our profile in a useful and memorable way, and attract people’s attention for all the right reasons.

Now, of course, today we have no shortage of opportunities to do just that. That’s terrific and exciting … but also a little daunting!

Plus, we’re often keen to get ‘out there’ with our story and our message, to create helpful and/or thought-provoking content for our intended audience. That too can create issues ‘cos we want to do ALL THE THINGS! 💪

So you wanna …

You want to be on LinkedIn - WHY?

You want to be on TikTok - WHY?

You want to concentrate on Instagram Stories - WHY?

You want to set up a blog - WHY?

You want to write articles for Medium? - WHY?

You want to produce a podcast - WHY?

You want to establish YouTube show - WHY?

You want to start an email newsletter on Substack - WHY?

You want to be a guest on other people’s podcasts - WHY?

You want to write a guest post for a leading blog - WHY?

You want to start a LinkedIn newsletter - WHY?

You want to embark on an influencer relations program - WHY?

You want to pitch an interview idea to a talkback radio station - WHY?

You want to submit an opinion piece to your trade journal - WHY?

You want to pay Facebook to amplify your content - WHY?

You want to start speaking at industry events? - WHY?

You want to create a live-streamed video series? - WHY?

You want to write a book based on your area of expertise - WHY?

You want to publish a series of threads on Twitter/X - WHY?

You want to establish a private community using Circle or Facebook - WHY?

‘Why’ indeed!

So many things we CAN do to build visibility, influence and trust in the online world.

So many things we CAN do to attract people to our business or personal brand.

So many things we CAN do to grow our audience and professional reputation.

So many things we CAN do to deepen the level of connection with the people who matter most to the success of our business (which is what PR is all about).

It’s enough to make your head spin.

And our heads DO spin!

(Hence, we can’t - and probably shouldn’t even attempt - to do all the things!)

I constantly speak with ambitious owners of service-based businesses and credible solopreneurs who are wanting to not just grow profits but also generate impact and create a legacy.

They’re often ‘doing stuff’ (as per some of the things mentioned above) but not seriously, with any degree of purpose or strategic intent.

They’re ticking boxes.

And because of that, their heads are spinning.

When it comes to PR, content and digital communications, they are perpetually dazed and confused.

And the growing number of bro' marketers and so-called 'gurus' spruiking quick fixes are just making matters worse.

I get it!

Execution is vital.

Experimentation is to be encouraged.

As we know, it’s the winners who take action.

But the savvy entrepreneur who 'gets' PR and communications is also very cognisant of the need to approach such things with a sense of purpose and direction.

They understand why they’re doing what they’re doing in the first place (and ongoing!).

This clarity, in turn, helps build confidence in moving forward with a sense of certainty and spirit.

'WHY?" - it's a good thing to ask, as it moves you from being purely tactical to starting to think more strategically.

How intentional are you with the implementation of PR, content and digital communications in your business?

Hit “reply” and let me know - I’m keen to understand people’s motives and situation when it comes to building a credible business (and personal) brand in today’s hyper-competitive environment.




I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue.

[ How can I help you? ]

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